Friday, June 1, 2007

:: A Day Off

So I took the day off of work today because I had a hard time making it through Thursday. I felt real crummy. But I had one more thing I had to get done before I could truly rest.

............................!TITLE FIGHT! Shower Stall vs. Yours Truly........................................
The pitch.
I think of it like a progress bar. Imagine you could make the bar go faster? Inspiring.
Guest apperences by Thor's hammer and the pick of destiny
The concrete slab gave up at about 4/5 of the way through. Next time I'm buying a bigger hammer... :p

I thought of a new thing. Dedication days. But moving on,

The winner of the fight wearing high-class professional safety gear.
Shower carcass. It is disgusting.

I won't even show you the grosser pics. There could be kids watching. But instead I can leave you with this question,
Do you think this cow looks like me too?

Stay on the sunny side of the street folks.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

It probably smells like you too.