Sunday, June 8, 2008

:: Sunday

Always finds me down. Every Sunday for weeks now I can feel the fall before it happens. My mood just plummets. I know it's happening and can head it off a bit but it always hits. All week I follow routines and use methods to enjoy or deal with the days, depending on how work goes. By Friday I'm totally scrambled and to ground myself I usually drink enough to, well, ground myself. A floor that stays still in a room that doesn't spin is a friend of mine.

Saturday is easy as my mood is determined by how Friday went. Did I drink too much or was I good. Did I have good chit-chat, act a fool, or hate it all quietly. Was I as entertaining as I could have been to people who don't really know me. Was I better than I thought. I go over what conversations I can remember. Most usually. Either way I wait until I am able and go to Quiznos to heal. Usually grab a bottle or two to sip on while playing games and watching sports in the evening.

And then Sunday. Ive had rest. I've had a night to mingle and a night to stay in. Now a whole day to do anything and it's too much. It's the only day I feel alone (and don't enjoy it). I've done what I needed all week and what I wanted Fri and Sat. I'm done. It's over. I have no reason for anything.

The good part of this day is when I finally think of the world and my life with uncertainty. It is at least a change from the week. And this leads to new thoughts. Usually negative but eventually its comes back up to acceptable hope. Wine or weed act as a catalyst and music the active ingredient. btw I need a large influx of music. My well can only be re-filtered so much.

One-of-Seven days. I can handle it. I'm soon probably going to force myself once it's reasonable to start maybe exercising and working out... for real. On a steady basis. I am getting real down on myself for not doing it so far. How do you get the inspiration and fit it into a schedule? Whenever I feel like working out it's a bad time. When I have time I can usually only muster a bike ride. Even a big ride but to sit in a gym alone and push myself, well, I just don't have it in me. Suggestions?

Everyday ends
6 of 7 I live alone
Your 7 of 7 free?


Will K. said...
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JMess said...

Dude, the only motivation I've ever had to go to the gym was actually going! I hate actually getting there but once inside for a couple of weeks, you start to notice small gains, subtle changes and you're like wait a minute, I'm actually doing it and it's actually working. The best advice is force yourself now, today and just do it! Like Nike always used to say. I've only learned recently that the best workouts aren't necessarily the ones where you sit on a bench and just do set after set, but try a cycle where you work through two or more joints (ex. Bench Press -> shoulders, elbows. Squats -> hips, knees). Build a circuit, something like, squats, pull ups, incline bench press, lunges, shoulder press, leg curls, triceps press, leg extensions, bicep curls. Warm up, do 1 set of each then repeat, if you can get through 3 cycles, you're a better man then me. On a unrelated note, Sher and I bought a house in Burlington, if you ever come back to Ontario and need a place to crash, for a little or a long time, the door is always open. Miss you big guy. Wish I could talk to you more often.

Unknown said...

Visit this website, and do the workout they post each day. 3 days on, one day off. It's always changing, you can see how well others do and compare yourself, you'll see amazing results, and you'll feel like the ultimate warrior (moreso if you attached coloured tassles to your body).

Unknown said...

Honestly, best motivation, especially to get started, is to have someone drag you out to a gym.

After that, what messy says is totally true.

If you can get yourself out for a couple of weeks in a row, it pretty much takes care of itself after that.

adk said...

wow, thanks guys. I must say you are probably the three people I am jealous of your abilities to work out regularly so I appreciate the support. I'm going to do it and do it good.

And good work J! I cant wait to visit you and sher. congrats :]