Sunday, September 28, 2008

:: Golf Tournement

Work decided to make Friday a half-day and bring us all out for 18 holes of golf. Very nice of them.
Most of us have never played golf anymore than hitting the range once or twice. Some not at all. I made everything more relaxed.
Of course the course had a dress code which I couldn't meet. No Jeans and Collared shirt. I had to go out the night before and get both. The vest just went so well and was so 'golfy' I couldn't say no. All bought from Winners so I got a pretty good deal.
Good form.
We played a scramble format and this was my team. Everyone was put into groups of 4 and each person shoots from the best shot out of the 4. This helps the game move along when you have so many beginners and really makes you feel good when it's your shot that's used. Also you have to use each players drive at least 3 times.

We did pretty well considering our experience and ability. I did very well and probably shot my best game of golf ever. Though since it was my first game ever it was technically also my worst. I made some sweet putts and drove it pretty well. I struggled with chips shots but got a lot better by the end. If every club was 2-4 inches longer I would have been pro.

Things in life. Well my roomie is now leaving in the next 2 weeks and Chanty is going to be a little late in moving out here due to a Smashing Pumpkins show. This means I will truly live alone for a few weeks. This is going to be very good for me. My head has been fucked. Last week and weekend just killed me.

I don't have an explanation. It's just who I am.

This week went better and now I have a long weekend. I purposely have been drinking less and trying to stay positive. My heads above water so far. Also I finally saw b.a. again. WeIrD.


1 comment:

Will K. said...

nice sweater. I'm in a nearly similar head space as you bro. I go from the highest high to the lowest low. it's not so much rage as it is depression...don't really know why. Just life i guess. natural i guess. would like to chill with you for a while. brothers should. miss you dude, don't forget that.