Wednesday, March 10, 2010

:: SS, LL, SS, LL

Bros.The view.

"Think that person can tell we're undercover? Dammit! I don't get it, it's like we're wearing signs."
Epic? Birds are epic. They can just fly anywhere.
Still, you just have to stop and admire it.
It's picture-in-picture-esque.The left side is only s0-s0. Maybe glance worthy.
The crew.The Poo.
No one here has both feet planted on the ground. Lots of movement without action. Life without meaning... Garth, that was a haiku.

Also we all ride regular and hold the same leg up when we finally get to rest. My right was toast.
Strange things are afoot at the special K.
The only pictures of me are at the bar. Fitting really.
Otherwise I can only be found in reflection. The only vampire that can be. Helps when working with mirrors.Here's me and the crew. Rob, Mike, Me, and Jay with his mystery stare. It's like seeing into my own soul. But chubby. (hahahahah :] )Wait! There must be a pic of me on a mountain! I've caught the assailant... except... all his hill-pics hide his face better than mine. There's really no way to know who this is.


A traditional Canadian household name.

Ouch. Stuff happens. His bro banged his wrist up too. Jay's lenses got fucked. I was happy his face was not smashed in.
Even though he hides it during chill time too. Those fountains did do for a nice massage.
In the mountain view patio hot tub. Booyah.

The Hotel Room (nsfw?)

This doesn't require explaining. I won't begin to try. A - "Dude, I think there's a pic of me but not at a bar from this trip. Pretty sure it's of me on the phone with you. What are you doing right now? Not something weird right?

J - "Shhhhhh... lets just hear feelings."

A - "Are you wearing my hat again? Godammit, J"


In conclusion, what matters is realizing you can't always explain hotel room pictures. I mean, If you want to be a ninja, you be a ninja. A happy ninja. The best damned ninja ever. If you don't have to make the bed yourself and real pants just aren't happening you don't really even have a choice.


1 We all ate and drank in wonderful quantities of wonderful quality.
2 Pictures and quotes may or may not have happened.

Swell times had by all featuring: Mix Magic Mike, Rock & Roll Rob, the infamous Jelly-belly Jaybird, and yours truly, King Calgary Kane. (I wanted Kid King Kane but the initials look bad)


Mom said...

The pics make me want to see the mountains again but the AllyWag makes me smile! Thanks.

Lynn said...

You're handsome, brother.