Sunday, June 14, 2009

:: Better

I went for a ride. 700k. Here's a taste.

There was a black bear a little ways down from this this a brook? I'm looking it up... "A small stream." Acceptable.Crescent Falls. I couldn't get a good shot of the falls. I was going to camp here over night and finish my ride home the next day but wasn't feeling the sites so much.

It's easier to see and appreciate in a picture. To enjoy it at the moment you still have to stop and look. Know it is worth seeing. It is worth seeing. Stop and look. Whether you have a cam or not. Use your mind. Forgetting is fine. We're all people. I have a few shots of home I plan on seeing again I have no physical picture of. Come hell or high water, I _will_ see them again. If you want to see what I've always known... ask. Those places are there every night. Every set. Year-fucking-round.

I don't care if you don't know. I know. That's enough. I just so often wonder, "Why don't you wonder?" And while I sleep, wake, and live, another day ends. Waiting. That's cool. I'll find somewhere else. I'll find someone else. Everyone ends..... everyday ends.