Sunday, July 20, 2008

:: Mountains

A trip to the Mountains.Staring Joe McDriver and Alan Kameraguy. Castle mountain. Malcolm taught me. Spread the word.
Joe has fun driving the easy side of the mountains.
Mt. Spaceship Launch Ramp. ...or Rundle or something.

Proof Joe was somewhere new.

A walk along the lake.We would have done the whole thing but we were both a bit hungover and didn't actually have a park pass so time was a factor too.
The Fairmont.
These things are huge. It's hard to tell but they are.
Banff, main street. It has a sick backdrop.My first Moose! I think it was a female because she had no antlers but I caught my first. It was a drive by I barely got it but it's there.

And other than that it was a very nice week with Joe and we played two epic tennis matches, partied, and _tried_ to see batman. We could have seen it but the only seats were front row. We tried two different times but lineups started way too early for both. I plan to see it soon.

Random shots I've been snapping.
Construction rules Cow Town. Old for new.
Joe keeps a slight frown on all nap long to discourage would be disturbers.
Like the cameraman.

But if you know what to say... ...he can be tricked into a smile.

And that's all for now. I've recently learned my camera takes time lapse shots and I've taken one or two of the weather that were pretty cool. My bikes in the shop for it's first tune up and oil change. I can't wait. I am going to try and go camping soon although funds may stop that. It's a matter of the cost of gear as well as the site/park pass and whatnot. I'm sure I'll figure something out. :] I need to camp.

Everyday ends
Start on the open highway
End it in a tent

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