Thursday, May 29, 2008

:: New Ride

So I have my new bike.

Sexy. I know.

I'm going to get some good pictures of her outside of my underground parking lot as soon as I can. I picked her up Tuesday after work. My first time riding a bike (myself) with an engine attached to it was taking this home. I was extremely nervous.

I had to think of it all day and I didn't know for sure whether she was even going to be ready for me. She was. But I had to wait 20-30 minutes for them to get it set to go. The wait was painful. I could barely stay still. It would have been easier to just show up and go. It was like when I waited for a big basketball game. Anxious that it could go wrong, excited that it could go awesome.

Welllllllllll.... I learned a lot about motorcycles in the commercial parking lots of Blackfoot Motorsports and it's neighboring businesses very quickly. Luckily she's easy to start because she's easy to stall too. After many laps I wondered if I may need to just go back to the Dealership and get her another day but I had to try the real streets. I had mastered stopping and control was fine so I knew I could always just pull off the road if I didn't like what was happening. I just had to make sure I could get her to go again once she's stops.

I made it. No stalls. No problems. Right to my parking stall at home. VERY thrilling.

Now I've spend the last few days riding in laps of my underground parking structure starting and stopping and turning in patterns around the cement pillars. I feel very comfortable now. The biggest thing I'm working on now is proper signaling as I keep forgetting to turn my blinkers off.

If you see me riding and you think I'm going to turn left. I could be, but maybe I already did.

Anyway. I smile and jump and giggle now. I like her. A lot. Here's the dating service that introduced us.
She's the R 1200 GS Enduro. The UK site is the best for pics and info.

What's that! It's huge!
Me and my partner decide it's a female peacock. Turns out it's a male pheasant.
And doesn't like me as he shuffles behind a tree.

My helmet fits much better with my new haircut.

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