Monday, September 13, 2010

:: Ready

In Calgary any day can be a snowday. If you're not ready for it then you'll be late for work.

Red Bike is ready. She's wearing her summer shoes but this is her gear setup. One gear. I have to use the middle chain ring and a single gear conversion cog on the back so she won't be that fast but I should be able to grind through everything in the winter pretty easy.

I cleaned her up, replaced the bottom bracket, and put on a whole new crank setup. Also some new front brake pads, pedals, and grips. That's a new back wheel too.
This is an upside down view of my chain tensioner (which while not a word is still a part). Otherwise, see: last winter, my chain would fall off several times a ride and be dangerous when I needed to pedal hard.

I move in October to Marda Loop. Smaller, cheaper place. Can't wait.

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