Saturday, October 11, 2008

From Wednesday to Friday work.
Building a wall of glass. It's a water feature in a Bell Canada building. Water will flow from the top to the bottom. Much easier than bottom to top.
These job almost always make me mad. This one was no exception. Done.... putting the glass in. Now we just have to silicone EVERY JOINT. Fuck off.
My colours have been great this year. How are yours?

hrm. Stuff's okay. I'm eating very well and -still- working out. It is so rewarding. No matter how my mind and spirit breaks down each day at least I know my body is getting stronger. Today I ran for 15 minutes, lifted some weights, then biked around the neighborhood like someone cute was watching. I had washed my hair and when I do that and then bike I get maximum volume. I look so silly.

Roomie is officially moving out next weekend. Not this one. I think it is only fair as the 15th is midweek. I tell ya. I'm excited like his leaving is me getting a Tyco Turbo Hammer for my birthday. I know what I'm getting and it only makes me more excited. Some time alone and a complete apartment overhaul. Fucking psyched.

Everyday ends
Every one ends alone
And that is okay

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