Tuesday, October 2, 2007

:: Hip shots

Relaxing on the weekend with a delicious Lagunitas Imperial Stout, watching the game (cfl baby) and probably reading webcomics. If that's not Saturday then what the hell is.
My street in fall. Tough in the light to capture the true colours of the trees. But fall in Ontario is more colourfur either way. Fall temperatures here last forever. It's so often sweater weather and then it tricks you. Shorts and a T every afternoon. I love it.
Another lighting on the same image. The sky is more true in this one. In real life it is even more spectacular than both pics combined. But life usually is. (for better or for worse)
Another killer sunrise in the morning, Oct 2/7. Loading a van with a smile. Knowing coffee is like, 2o minutes away.Sonny wonders what I'm doing and before he can escape, I capture his soul with digi. As you can see, he's ok with it.
Then the day begins. Until the day ends, the skies bid good journey. (Masters of the Universe anyone? I bought and watched it about a week ago. It made me cry. THAT SHOUDLDN'T HAPPEN....good goddamn flick though....*single tear*.)
I do care about this world. It's that which makes this world hard to live in. I'm not good enough.Hot darn though. Just go green. Green government, green lifestyles, green drugs, green choices. Mean green. Rough Riders to win it. Whatever it takes. Even if means being a rockstar. Fill some boots, people! I call rockstar.And check out my old man hands. I'll have awesome old man hands. If it kills me before I die. Old man Hands.

Everyday ends. I need a free 1up.

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