Friday, May 25, 2007

:: Friday I'm in Love

There are three deer in this picture.... can you spot them? (hint: ones mid-jump)
The Mountain to the left is called the Three Sisters. The one on the right is up for dibs.
This is where the next two cretin's hung a few mirrors in Canmore. We waited to get into the suite longer than it took us to do the work. But the super in charge is cuuuuute. Goodstuff.
This is my joker of partner when I have work that requires more than one set of hands. He's a nice guy named Dave. I made him drive us home because I was tired and wanted to take pictures.
This handsome devil is yours truly. If you get a new shower in Calgary and have the coin to afford the best darn custom glass shower enclosure installers to finish things off.... well, you might just be lucky enough to meet me. I'm very pleasant if I'm being paid to be there.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

There's a coffee named after those mountains at my work. It smells good.