Wednesday, October 7, 2009

:: Bury Me In Both

This is probably going to offend most of the people who read this so I'll just get it out of the way.

Pomegranates suck.

The only good part is getting the chance to dismantle one. It is involving and satisfying when many gems fall from a good peal. Much like opening a fairy tale ruby fruit. Well these gems ain't for sale, baby.

Sure, they taste fine. Their cost suggests they should be great. Yeah, the crunch starts with a nice *pop* but then you hit a seedy thing (possibly a seed?) that absorbs your crunch effort yet doesn't fully chew away. Overall leaving me wondering what the hoopla is all about. Very unsatisfying.

Hitting O-town this weekend for a quick romp. I bought a suit. Two, actually. BOGO. Buy one, Get one. I pick them up tomorrow. I now can never get fat or smaller or shorter because I don't want to ever pay that much for clothes ever again. If and when I die, bury me in both. You'll see pics when I get em' I look like the fucking boss. for now....

I saw this wino, he was eating grapes. I was like, "Dude, you have to wait."

The new kitchen setup. It's pretty sick. Turns out a picture and a ikea cord-bulb makes a great wall lamp. And the picture gets lit up!

I love living alone. I eat wonderful. Last Saturday I drank about 15 gins in 2 hours. Then my brain and tummy let me know how upset they were all Sunday when really, it was them who got me into the mess in the first place. Hypocrites. Left me with the bill, too.

Same old. Snowflake becomes blizzard.

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