Monday, November 12, 2007

:: The Trick to Keeping Promises not to make them. Which is chate. But if you're a top notch cat or a good time dog, when you do make one you keep it. I won't sleep till this update rocks. Begin! Begin with vigor!

Nice to start your day early and get paid to see the sunrise.
But eat right the night before. That is two bottles of Guinness Extra Stout supporting a homemade tomato sauce/soup style bowtie pasta extravaganza.
I love the weather out here. You can see it happening and experience it. Every hour is a new surprise and it is never short on sunshine.

iReno has gone gold... Gold? I think thats some sort of marketing term for things that are basically ready to be peddled to us hungry consumers. Well I bike a lot so watch me peddle this .... iReno!

Before. Stay off the blue. Just think of it as lava.
B. My furniture knows what's up.
B. Lava Entrance.
A. Yay! Lavaless.

A. Smooth and jazzy. Now that's a baby makin' living room.B. This floor very well might have glass all over it at any given moment. Shoes required.
A. Pates Baroni made his dime in clown-pasta-dancing... so he knows a cool pad when he sees one. B. Sleepy time was scary time. A. So I didn't make my sheets. It's still way better.
A. Much like my personalty, my shoes are either black or white with no middle ground. And black's winning.

INTERMISSION :: I told you I'd update hardcore. And get this, I had to upload ALL pics separately because blogspot is being a big meatball sandwich.

Sequence. I'm working on getting better at it. It's tough to stop actually working to take progress shots.

Ta Dah! Nice set up, eh? Anyone want to buy me a modest 30-48" wicked kick ass tv? I will make you a nice dinner and very satisfying breakfast. We can go to chinese buffet for lunch.

Random extras.
Cleaning progress.
I couldn't see behind my stereo to find the woofer so i used a flashed picture to find it and then feel for it blindly. There must be better ways to do this (i.e. untangling my wires so I can access the back freely.) Oh well.
Close up of Carpet. It's the sixth element. Supreme surface.
Carpet vs. Wall. The winner? Fashionable living.
Take a break to take in the view. And when the cute joggers finally pass take a picture of the skyline. :p Calgary has two sides. To live here successfully make sure you get to see the good side. The trick is to ignore the other people living here.... except the joggers. :]

Well not much to say since it's way late and I need to sleep. I owe y'all more words and you'll get 'em. A picture is worth a thousand words though so I'm paid up for at least a week.

Everyday ends
Take a weight off your shoulders
By working harder


Unknown said...

I LOVE how the before pics were all done with flash, making things look harsh, cold, and uninviting. And then the after pics all used available light, looking warm and cozy.

The place looks great! Now I can finally come for a visit...

adk said...

Indeed. and you're of course welcome. having a nice place rocks socks.... now all i need is a balcony or tower....